Posts by Yogoth

Ursoc, Renfaire: Dead. Cenarius: Broken. 6/7H

WHAT NEWS. Having kicked that scrub poster to posting curb, Onineko has surged to 6 out 7 heroic kills in the Emerald Nightmare. 3 kills in as many nights: feels good man. Ursoc, The Biggest Bear, dropped once we figured out to sit on his face and tell him we loved him. We dragged him slowly around in a circle, him giving us all a deep, reverberating growling and baiting his thrusts until he collapsed to floor, spent. No sekret...

Xavius: Dead. Emerald Nightmare purged!

The Emerald Dream has been cleansed! The Nightmare has been pushed back! Onineko came screaming out of the launch of Legion together and punched Xavius in the teeth. We battled through old heroes and new demons and against the very stuff of nightmares to bring the Dream back from the brink of destruction. And we did it all while standing in fire. It’s like nothing changed. What is next for Onineko? A heroic push back into the Dream, show those demons...

Heroic Hellfire Citadel Complete. 13/13H.

Archimonde is dead. The Burning Legion tried to bring ruin to Draenor – again – and almost succeeded. Gul’dan and his Shadow Council worked across the alternate timeline? dimension? universe? Draenor to bring about the ruin that was denied to them on Azeroth. We have ruined the Dark Portal II, stopped the advance of the Burning Legion and Gul’dan has been banished to the Twisting Nether. Alt Draenor is safe, and we prepare to go home, and forget this whole...

Mannoroth Down! 12/13H

Another victory for Onineko! We put another end to the Legions enforcer Mannoroth, bringing him back in a weakend state and then again destroying him and his blood. No more will his tainted blood be allowed to corrupt more of Draenor. He fought with his massive, otherworldly blasts and summoned infernal followers, but even combined they were not enough to stop Onineko cleanesing him from this world for the… third time? Fourth? These demons need to learn to stay down....

Soulbound Construct and Tyrant Velhari down! 11/13H

Soulbound Construct and Tyrant Velhari down! 11/13H

It’s been an epic week in Oninekoland. We’d be rampaging through the Hellfire Citadel, taking heads and knocking down bosses when our resident Californian woke up and smashed down a coffee to get involved. He did bring the Old Days with that coffee, bringing back the american pings of yesteryear. But we’d never ever leave a man behind, so we got to re-clear all the trash thanks to Blizzards server going belly up on us. But it was all worth...

Xhul’horac: Shadowfelled.

Xhul’horac: Shadowfelled.

A twisted being of Fel and Void was trying to rip the fragile dimension of Dreanor apart. Thankfully, Onineko was stomping through the place, busily taking scalps, names and trinkets of victory. Through felfire and inappropriate void touches, we stopped Xhul in his tracks, ensuring the stability of Dranor, forever! Or at least until the next xpac lands. We were a tight team, but focused and angry, like a laser. A laser that punched a hole straight through Xhul’horac. We...

Fel Lord Zakuun H Down! 8/13

Fel Lord Zakuun H Down! 8/13

The Fel Lord Zakuun falls to the might of Onineko. We pulled him and his torturous ways down, having found him grinding down Grommash Hellscream, strung like a doll on some fel outcropping. His dulcet tones and rumbling voice will no longer fill this vile terrace of the Hellfire Citadel. The fissures of daemonic energy he summons were almost too much for us, but a brave Druid stood in the teeth of the storm and, shrugging off his blows amid the...

Archimonde Down! 13/13N, 7/13H

Watch the following video; it shows the talented Onineko guys n gals defeat the vanguard of the Burning Legion. I like to call it Peggy Dies In The End because he keeps dying on the final push of a boss. Like some sort of fucked up anti-phoenix, him biting the dust give us all the inner strength and clarity needed to come together and down a boss for the first time. No really, sit back, pour a glass of your favourite...

Onineko Heroic Surge 6/13H

Onineko Heroic Surge 6/13H

Our Typical Newsposter has decided to go on strike – so today we have Guest Wordsmith Sir Pembleton Yogoth Esquire of the House Onineko. This week has seen Onineko rally and surge into a heroic campaign against the Fel Orcs of Hellfire Citadel. The denizens of the citadel rushed out to meet Onineko in full force, but like a towering pillar of Rock in the surf we stood resolute in the teeth of the oncoming storm. Battered, the leader of...

Hellfire Assault Assaulted! 1/13H

Cheesey cliche titles aside. Onineko in our gracious glory struck the first blow to Gul’dan and the burning legion in heroic difficulty as we made the first notch in our proverbial belt in Heroic Hellfire Citadel this past Sunday! The best part? Kupp wasn’t there! In what turned out to actually be a piece of piss (hell, it’s the first boss right?) We knocked it over first attempt (the previous week in which I wasn’t there totally doesn’t count) and much...