Guarm now chinese special number 5 with rice.

Guarm now chinese special number 5 with rice.

Once Tramplesoon was educated Guarm died and was promptly put into a takeaway container with soy and rice. Despite Trample education, Tramplesoon was unable to break 200k dps. Now taking applications for Shadowpriests who outdps Tanks. If you think thats you and your name isn’t Shadow or Soon or some kind of wordplay on that, apply here

Heroic Odyn Finally.

Heroic Odyn Finally.

So apparently this is what you need to do to kill this bastard. 1. Kick Dak from the raid 2. Wait for Roak to get home 3. Have CT sit his shitty Fire Mage for an Enhance Shaman. 4. Wipe ~80 times to Spears/orbs/beams/horns 5. Buy a Darkmoon Immortality card for Kupp 6. Put Ignore Pain WeakAuras on your Warriors. 7. Have Roak start a war with Peg. 8. Have CT tell Roak to be nice to Peg. 9. Have...

Scrublords vs Valor

Scrublords vs Valor

Did us some Trial of Valor. Heroic was un-tuned for scrublords; so we hit up normal. Went into Heroic after, and Odyn is quite doable now. Just need a raid composition that isn’t 80% melee! Player list top left hand side. Jobs done. Content seen. Log in and join us for farmville.