I can’t feel my legs. Send hot-pockets.
Some people took time off work, others invoked guilt on their partners, most have been cruising about randomly.
We’re two weeks into an obsessive and unhealthy hobby. Get ready to become socially retarded; put away that shaving kit; fill the fridge with microwave meals and wave goodbye to your partner. It’s time to smash pixels.
Outside is dumb, don’t be tempted by summer. It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to travel to us from the centre of the solar system… And about 3 minutes to do a world quest. Fuckin’ simple. You can get more quests than light. Infallible Logic.
According to the roster we have ~90 active level 110 players. How many are alts is unknown: Because lazy. But thats a good foundation. Who decides to raid and who stays casual/social is yet to be seen. As usual, the best metric is quality; not quantity.
Kupp has been busy putting background colours into an excel table, so the raid lineup is starting to take shape.
The polls are closed. Results are in.
8:30pm AEST starts, Wednesdays and Thursdays. (Flex Sunday night m/m+ dungeons for the keen)
Right now, if you jump online at these times, the tanks are running mythic dungeon groups, and everyone should be aiming for around 840ilvl and to complete their class hall campaign (3 artefacts relics). Which; to be honest.. is pretty fucking easy to get. Log in for an hour or so each night for a week. Do a full set of mythic dungeons. You did it kid!
If you wanted some advice on your class, or to read handy FAQs, you should really check out your class Discord channel (reddit link). People talk shit all day, but they usually have some kind of easily referenced class guide.
As usual, we’re in Discord. Jump in and post photos of cats/ask mxrecord for a TPG discount.
Nerfs and tuning are coming. (condolences @ semen hunters and monks)
Raid Nights
- Wednesday (27%, 10 Votes)
- Thursday (27%, 10 Votes)
- Sunday (22%, 8 Votes)
- Monday (16%, 6 Votes)
- Tuesday (8%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 37
Raid Times
- 8:30pm - 10:30pm AEST +- 30 mins (38%, 16 Votes)
- 8pm - 10pm AEST +- 30 mins (24%, 10 Votes)
- 9:00pm - 11pm AEST +- 30 mins (21%, 9 Votes)
- Skrillex (17%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 39