Onineko Discord

Onineko uses discord app for voice. It's a new service thats pretty damn good.
Think of it like Ventrilo, Mumble and IRC rolled into one, and it's free!

Desktop App

Allows for push to talk.
We recommend you create/claim an account.

You can then log in and use the Invitation Code.

Download Desktop App

Casual or PUG

Web app, listening and text only.
Don't give a fuck.

No account needed.

Launch Web App

Invitation Code

Use this code if you already have Discord.


Enable Push to Talk

Under Voice settings, change Input Mode to Push to Talk, then assign a key.

Stop annoying PTT sounds

Under Notifications settings, uncheck the two PTT boxes.

Use the invitation

If you have the desktop app, clicking the plus icon in the left bar will show a dialogue. Click 'Join a Server'.

Enter the invitation code and click Join.

Where are the settings?

Bottom left, cog icon.
